Forgotten Temple

This project is an exploration of an abandoned, ancient temple set within a carefully crafted landscape. I designed the terrain in GAEA, where masks helped establish a realistic, rugged environment that enhances the temple's mysterious atmosphere.

Using UE5, I built the surrounding world with assets from the Quixel Megascans library, incorporating natural details that blend seamlessly with the temple’s weathered architecture.

The temple itself serves as the project’s focal point, adding a compelling narrative element that invites viewers to imagine its history and secrets. The final composition and editing were done in DaVinci Resolve, ensuring each shot captured the project’s eerie and atmospheric tone.

The still images below showcase the terrain and the forgotten architecture that define this project, the black and white images are the heightmaps and masks that were used to generate the terrain.

Quadspinner GAEA
Quixel Megascans
EPIC Unreal Engine
DaVinci Resolve